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  • Collagen Protein
  • Skin & Hair Health
  • Potent Formula
  • Bones & Joints Health
  • Heart Health


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REVEALED: How Collagen Became The Real and Edible Fountain of Youth…

Do This One Little Thing Every Day To Look and Feel Better Than When You Were in Your 30s!

Has anyone ever asked about your age…

To which you replied with a nervous laugh…

And blurted out a complete lie?

Well… You may be able to pass as thirty-something…

But your body and skin may be giving away your secret…

❌        You have a little line here, a bag or sag there…

❌        Your hair is beginning to look dull and thin…

❌        You experience uncomfortable and terrible joint pain…

❌        Your bones are not as strong and sturdy as before…

If these sound familiar to you, then you need to hear this out…

I’d like to show you one very simple yet life-changing way that you could reset the aging of your body…

To Feel and Look So Good, You’ll Have to Convince Others to Believe How Old You Are…

This is the best formula available in the market…

Almost miraculously undoing the effects of aging on your skin and joints…

✔️  so you could feel more confident, knowing you no longer have wrinkles and creases on your face…

✔️  do everyday physical activities without painful joints holding you back…

✔️  keep osteoporosis and other bone problems at bay by preventing bone loss…

✔️  protect your heart’s arteries from becoming weak and fragile, in turn promoting heart health…

Just spend one minute of your time every day to experience all those for yourself…

What You’re Going to Learn in the Next 5 Minutes Will Truly Be Your One-Time Ticket To the Fountain of Youth…

✔️  It improves skin’s health by strengthening the skin, improving its hydration and elasticity, and pushing back its aging by reducing wrinkles and dryness…

✔️  It relieves joint pain by helping maintain cartilage’s integrity, protects joints, and helps reduce general joint pain…

✔️  It prevents bone loss by helping them stay healthy and strong…

Waiting for the catch?

Well, there’s NONE of that…

And that’s the best part of this method that I’m about to show you…

You make the “miracle” happen for you…

❌        WITHOUT shifting your diet to a “healthier” one…

❌        WITHOUT exercising six or seven times a week…

❌        WITHOUT applying or consuming toxin-packed products every single day…

❌       And WITHOUT undergoing expensive and potentially dangerous cosmetic procedures…

Want to know the truth?

The Answer Already Lies Inside of You…
But As You Get Older, Your Supply Deteriorates… Robbing You Off Your Youth!

And that’s the problem this method has a solution for…

It offers you the answer to what everyone believes is inescapable…

❌        No, the latest and most expensive skincare products do not match…

❌        Risky and lavish cosmetic procedures may even bring more bad than good in the long run…

❌        And strange, depressing diet plans cannot provide you what this has to offer…

I know you’re skeptical right now…

I promise I will tell you what it is and everything you need to know about it…

Yes, that includes how it works based on scientific evidence…

But Before I Reveal It All to You, Let’s Talk About the One Thing Many People Fear: AGING

Aging happens and will happen to all of us…

Even so, it’s something we know and understand so little about…

Things like memory loss, wrinkles, and bone and muscle loss are perhaps the farthest connection we can make between aging and our bodies…

Aging is actually a combination of bodily changes and the impact of how we take care of ourselves…

Regardless of the age-obsessed culture in our society, no one is safe from growing old…

It’s simply inevitable!

But this doesn’t mean you have to go from smooth-skinned and physically unstoppable to wrinkly and weak-boned overnight…

Instead, what you can do is slow down aging and increase the time that you have in this world…

Well, while you surely can’t stop nor reverse your age, you can take small daily steps that can turn back your biological clock and help you live longer…

These include…

✔️        eating the right foods

✔️        exercising regularly

✔️        not smoking

✔️        having regular and quality sleep

✔️        socializing with others

✔️        managing stress levels

Essentially, live a healthy life!

But you know what the problem is?

Many people do live a healthy lifestyle but still look and feel older than they actually are!

It’s because they overlook the very thing that I’m here to tell you about…

But before I reveal it to you, let’s talk about some people who are notorious for looking youthful even in their golden years…

Yup, I’m talking about your favorite Hollywood celebrities…

Just What Do These Hollywood Celebs Do Differently to Look So Young and Fresh?

Celeb #1 – Jennifer Aniston

Could you believe that Jen is turning 52 this February?

Neither could I!

After all, she still looks the same age as Rachel Green, her Friends female lead character who catapulted her to fame and success…

Celeb #2 – Kourtney Kardashian

This eldest Kardashian sister slays it by looking so young and fresh.

(Well, all her siblings do look ageless for that matter.)

As a 41-year-old mother of three, Kourtney attracts so many awe-struck, age-obsessed individuals who just want to know her secret…

Celeb #3 – Halle Berry

Fifty-four-year-old Hollywood actress seems to defy the aging process completely.

Not only is Halle killing it with her toned and physically fit bod, her face and skin are also incredibly wrinkle-free.

For this reason, many of us are dying to know what exactly she’s doing that keeps herself looking so youthful…

So… What’s Their Secret?

Well, other than spending every single day taking care of themselves by making the best health choices, these three female celebrities are taking advantage of a particular food that you’ve probably heard of before…

I’m Talking About Collagen —
The Edible Fountain of Youth…

Jen, Kourtney, and Halle get their collagen supply from different sources, of course…

But the point is, supplementing collagen must be something crazy important for them to squeeze in time in their busy schedules to take it!

Plus, regular people like us may already feel the pressure to look and feel young, but imagine how much more pressure these celebs feel…

Them always being under the constant watch of cameras and critics, right?

Halle Berry even goes as far as making her own bone broth  (which is FULL of collagen) at home by boiling bones for, take note, 24 hours, and drinking it straight up…

They do this not only for cosmetic purposes, though…

But also for their bones and joints…

And thanks to dermatologists and decades of research, looking ageless like these Hollywood celebs is possible for all of us, too!

You can mimic their healthy skin, especially if you start as early as possible…

And what I’m here to introduce to you will get you closer to your beauty goals no matter what age you are…

But before that, let’s talk about collagen…

First of all, collagen is something that we naturally have in our bodies…

It is the most abundant protein in the human body, making up about a third of all the protein in the body…

This major structural protein makes up 75% of the skin…

Collagen is actually a family of proteins, and there are 28 different types, each classified based on its amino acid composition…

Later, we’re going to discuss some of them…

All proteins are made up of molecules called amino acids…

When you consume protein, your body breaks it down into its individual amino acids so that it can use it to produce its own amino acids to make new proteins…

Some of these amino acids are put together in a specific way to form collagen…

The three amino acids most dominant in the formation of collagen are…

✔️        Glycine

✔️        Proline

✔️        Hydroxyproline

Collagen is the primary structural component of connective tissues, like skin, joints, and cartilage…

In fact, the word collagen derives from the Greek word kola, which means glue…

And really, collagen acts like a glue that holds many of the body’s tissues together…

Your skin, tendons, ligaments, bones, and cartilage are made up of this protein…

And the more collagen your body makes, the healthier, thicker, and spongier these tissues are going to be…

So that they can support and protect your joints better…

Also, skin that has healthy collagen levels looks smooth, plump, firm, and youthful…

It gives the skin its strength and youthful appearance…

On the flipside, the effects of low collagen production in the body is most noticeable in the skin…

This is because the dermis, which is the layer of the skin that gives it its foundation, has collagen as its main component…

This results in the common signs of aging…

Wrinkles and sagging skin…

And while the body naturally makes collagen, unfortunately, it produces less and less of it as you age…

Decreasing from when we’re in our mid-20s by about one to two percent each year…

This breakdown and gradual depletion of collagen causes your skin to get thinner, which leads to fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin…

Well, if you already have those right now, it’s going to get worse over time…

Sounds terrifying?

Here’s more…

Age is not the only factor that makes your body less efficient at making collagen…

⚠️         Too much ultraviolet light from the sun…

⚠️         Smoking…

⚠️         Inflammation-triggering diets…

⚠️         High-stress states…

⚠️         Genetics…

All these factors accelerate and promote the natural decline of collagen in the body…

⚠️         UV damage

There’s evidence that links UV damage and collagen loss. One study found that there was a “significant decrease” in collagen structure after participants have been exposed to UV light. UV rays damage collagen through DNA damage to cells that make collagen, production of free radicals that can directly harm collagen, and other mechanisms.

⚠️         Smoking

Generally, smoking is not good for your health. It causes premature aging by directly damaging collagen. It decreases the amount of oxygen sent to tissues, which disables it from regenerating and makes it more susceptible to damage and death. This then leads to premature wrinkles.

⚠️         Inflammation-triggering diets

Inflammatory diets are those that include eating foods high in sugar, simple carbohydrates, and processed meats. They activate the immune system and promote inflammation all over the body. Inflammation can interfere with healing environmentally damaged skin cells.

⚠️         Stress

According to research, stress can initiate inflammation, which can make it difficult for your body to naturally produce collagen. In addition, stress increases the hormone cortisol, which has been found to decrease the production of collagen.

⚠️         Genetics

Your genes are a great indicator of how much collagen your body makes and breaks down. This means that if your folks and their folks had youthful skin for a long time, then it’s more likely that you would experience the same.

The bottom line is that collagen is a key factor that you need to pay attention to if you want to have youthful, supple skin and healthy hair, tendons, cartilage, bones, joints, and even blood vessels and gut…

And you can do this by stimulating the natural collagen production in your body…

A study conducted by Bolke and others conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, blind study in 2019 to investigate the effects of a drinkable collagen complex on skin aging and skin health...

The study was performed on 72 healthy women aged 35 years or older who received either the food supplement or a placebo for twelve weeks.

By the end of the study, researchers have found that the test product significantly improved skin hydration, elasticity, roughness, and density.

Furthermore, the participants reported that their skin appearance had significantly improved.

Plus, the collagen supplement did not cause any side effects and proved to be safe during the entire period of application.

The research also stated that because the collagen supplement was taken orally, the effects reached the deeper layers of the skin and improved its health and appearance.

The impressive results from this particular study (and many others out there) is a sample evidence of why it’s important that you produce or supplement with collagen daily…

But aside from improving your skin health, collagen does wonders for other areas of your health…

 It helps get rid of joint pain.

This is because collagen helps maintain the strength of your cartilage, the tissue that protects your joints. The less collagen production in your body due to aging, the higher your risk of developing degenerative joint disorders, like osteoarthritis. Some studies have found that taking collagen supplements may help improve the symptoms of the said disease and reduce joint pain.

✔️        It could lower your risk for bone loss.

Collagen makes up most of your bones, and it gives them structure and helps keep them strong. So when your collagen production decreases over time, so does your bone mass. This may put you at risk of developing bone problems, such as osteoporosis. According to studies, taking collagen supplements may have particular effects in the body that help prevent the bone breakdown that develops into osteoporosis.

✔️        It may boost your heart health.

Experts suggest that taking collagen supplements may help reduce the risk of heart-related conditions. This is because collagen provides integrity to your arteries, the blood vessels through which blood travels from your heart to the rest of your body. And without adequate collagen, arteries may become weak and fragile.

✔️        It supports healthy brain function.

Collagen may prevent the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease by protecting the brain against amyloid-beta proteins, which are believed to be one of the causes of Alzheimer’s. Amyloid-beta is a kind of amino acid that builds up and forms plaque, which is often seen in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Increasing your collagen intake can create a form of protection for your brain.

✔️        It supports your gut function.

According to research, individuals who suffer from IBS and similar inflammatory conditions are more likely to have low collagen levels. Also, animal studies found that supplementation with collagen can help repair a damaged intestinal lining. For this reason, it is suggested that collagen supplementation could benefit those with gut inflammation and bring healing to the gut.

✔️        It supports your back.

One study conducted on 200 participants over the age of 50 with upper or lower back pain took 1,200 milligrams of collagen a day or a placebo. After six months, over 20% of the collagen group noticed a significant improvement in their back pain after taking collagen every day.

✔️        It helps strengthen your nails.

Collagen may help strengthen your nails so that they don’t become prone to breaking. According to one study conducted on 25 participants who were given 2.5 gram dose of collagen peptide each day for 24 weeks, 88% of the participants reported to have seen positive changes in as little as four weeks.

On the flipside, when your collagen levels drop, this can contribute to…

❌        wrinkles and sagging skin…

❌        stiffer, less flexible ligaments and tendons…

❌        weakening muscles…

❌        joint pain due to worn cartilage…

❌        gastrointestinal problems due to thinning of the lining in your digestive tract…

In a nutshell, if you want to stay younger and live longer, you need to amp up your collagen levels…

On that note, here are…

3 Ways To Boost Your Collagen Levels

#1 Eat Collagen-Rich Foods

Generally speaking, your diet plays a vital role in the appearance and youthfulness of your skin…

And your diet is the main source of the nutrients your body needs to function properly, including the protein collagen…

According to a 2012 review on nutrition and aging, eating foods and vegetables is the healthiest method to boost skin health…

Also, consuming foods rich in collagen or those that boost its production may also help produce the amino acids you need to achieve your skin goals…

As I’ve mentioned before, the primary amino acids needed for collagen synthesis are proline, lysine, and glycine…

Here are some foods that are rich in collagen or can help stimulate collagen production:

✔️        Bone broth.

This is probably the most popular way that people opt to incorporate collagen into their diets. Bone broth consists of bones and connective tissue that contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, collagen, glucosamine, amino acids, and many other nutrients. However, each bone broth has varying nutrients because of the quality of the bones used along with other ingredients.

✔️        Chicken.

Chicken contains plenty of collagen, which you could probably notice by looking at how much connective tissue poultry contains. These tissues make chicken a great source of dietary collagen. Some studies have even used chicken neck and cartilage as a way of incorporating collagen for arthritis treatment.

✔️        Citrus fruits.

Believe it or not, vitamin C plays a very important role in the production of pro-collagen or the body’s precursor to collagen. For this reason, getting enough vitamin C is crucial.

#2 Undergo Red Light Therapy

You have probably already heard about microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser resurfacing, but these can lead to complications. Plus, your skin needs so much time to recover after you go through such cosmetic procedures.

One study found that red light therapy is a quick and safe way to replenish collagen in the skin. It has been shown to increase collagen growth, diminish wrinkles, and improve skin elasticity. Red light therapy is a non-invasive method of increasing collagen without side effects.

#3 Take a Collagen Supplement

During your younger days, you may not think about supplementing collagen. However, as you age, your existing collagen breaks down, and it becomes harder for your body to manufacture more. For this reason, it may be advisable that you consider taking collagen supplements.

These supplements come in the form of powders, capsules, and even liquid drinks.

Hydrolyzed collagen, a.k.a. collagen peptide powder typically has no flavor and dissolves easily in beverages, soups, and the like. “Hydrolyzed” means that cold enzymes were added to the protein to break it down. This is done so that supplements are easier to absorb than collagen taken in through food.

This is important because the body cannot absorb collagen in its whole form and needs to be broken down during the digestive process before absorption into the bloodstream.

So when you’re hunting for a good collagen supplement, you might want to pay attention to collagen peptides.

Speaking of collagen supplements, you will often find that manufacturers label their product as containing various types of collagen…

This brings us to the discussion of the different types of this protein…

5 Main Types of Collagen for the Best Benefits

 Type I Collagen

Type I collagen is the most abundant type of collagen in the body. You can find it in your eyes, skin, tendons, bone, and teeth. What it does is…

✔️  minimizes fine lines and wrinkles

✔️  improves skin elasticity and hydration

✔️  helps rebuild muscles, eyes, bones, and spine

✔️  helps strengthen nails and hair

✔️  gives flexibility

 Type II Collagen

Type II collagen makes up the majority of the protein molecules in your cartilage or the connective tissue that protects your bones at the joints. It can also be found in your spinal disks and in your eyes. Its benefits include…

✔️  lubricates cartilages

✔️  improves joint health

✔️  supports spinal disks

✔️  supports eye health

 Type III Collagen

Type III collagen is the second most abundant type of collagen in the body. It is largely found in the intestines, muscles, blood vessels, and the uterus. Typically, it is used with type I collagen for gut healing and skin elasticity and hydration. Type III collagen benefits you as it…

✔️  supports gut health

✔️  improves skin elasticity and hydration

 Type V Collagen

Type V collagen is important for fibrillation (i.e., an act or process of forming fibers or fibrils) of types I and III collagen, and so for optimal fibrillary formation and tissue quality. It is found in the placenta of an expecting mother and in the eyes, specifically in the cornea. It makes up the home of an unborn child for 40 weeks. Type V collagen…

✔️  regulates the development of collagen fibers of connective tissue

✔️  supports healthy collagen fibers of type II collagen

✔️  creates cells of a pregnant woman’s placenta

 Type X Collagen

Type X collagen is another important protein bone and joint health. It provides a similar function to type II collagen. So, you can find it in your joints and bones. Type II collagen is more popular than type X because it’s much easier to consume II than X. You can get type II collagen from chicken meat, while you can get type X in the eggshell membrane… Type X collagen benefits you as it…

✔️  plays a crucial role in bone formation

✔️  provides resistance to tissues

These are the major types of collagen that you need to look for when you’re trying to find the perfect collagen supplement for your needs…

Every year, your body becomes 1-2% less efficient in making collagen…

And year after year, you see the effects firsthand…

It seems like every time you see your face in the mirror, the problem gets worse and worse…

You see crow’s feet spreading out from the corners of your eyes…

Wrinkles start to form around your mouth and neck, making them thinner, drier, and less elastic…

You even see your hands and fingers looking wrinkled and less smooth as time goes by…

And that’s not the worse part…

As signs of aging harms your self-esteem, it also damages your ability to enjoy life without physical inconveniences…

Suddenly, you feel irritating or debilitating joint pain that limits your range of movement…

Sometimes you feel your muscles stiffen, and you simply cannot do everyday activities as you used to…

You see, collagen deficiency not only robs you of your youthful looks. It also takes away your ability to live life fully by making your bones, joints, and bodily organs unprotected and therefore weaker over time…

So don’t just read this and do nothing!

You need to do something to replenish your collagen levels and production so you could slow down the signs of aging and lengthen your life…

This Is How You Can Revitalize the Natural Healing Processes of Your Body

So that you can finally look in the mirror every morning and actually love what you see…

Go on with your day without painful joints and muscles slowing you down…

And live your life as if you were still in your 30s (or better!)…

If these are things that you want to happen to you, then don’t quit reading yet…

Let me introduce to you…

Collagen 1500: The ONLY premium collagen in the market that gives you that youthful-looking skin, better joint and bone health, and overall health protection…

Collagen 1500 has the highest absorption rate in the market…

It gives you a proprietary formula made up of…

✔️  Type I Collagen – for flexibility…

✔️  Type II Collagen – for lubrication of cartilages…

✔️  Type III Collagen – for supporting the organs that have the capacity to expand and contract…

✔️  Type V Collagen – for the support and capacity to filter different substances…

✔️  Type X Collagen – for providing tissues with resistance…

The high concentration of these 5 types of collagen makes this formula the BEST alternative for…

✔️  taking care of the skin from the inside…

✔️  avoiding the deterioration of bones and cartilages…

✔️  pushing back the damage caused by aging…

Collagen 1500 offers you remarkable benefits, including…

✔️  Improving your skin’s health

It strengthens the skin, improves its hydration and elasticity, and pushes back its aging by reducing wrinkles and dryness…

✔️  Relieving your joint pain

It helps to maintain the integrity of cartilages, protects the joints, and reduces general joint pain…

✔️  Preventing bone loss

It helps to maintain bones healthy and strong…

And because it is packed with 5 major types of collagen, it also…

✔️  provides nutrition to the structure of the eyes…

✔️  accelerate the recovery after exercising, preserving the tone and the muscular mass…

✔️  revitalizes the nails and hair and aids the fortification of the heart, veins, blood vessels, and arteries…

✔️  expedites weight loss, reduces restless sleep, and helps with overall well-being…

Plus, Collagen 1500 is hydrolyzed, so the protein is broken down into smaller, easy-to-absorb particles…

Not only that…

Collagen 1500...

✔️ is proudly made in the USA

✔️  From an FDA-registered manufacturing facility under strict guidance by GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)

✔️ And 3rd-party tested for quality & potency

So do yourself a favor…

Don’t let time rob you of your youth…

Because the truth is…

No one can ever stop time from ticking…

No one can keep you from aging…

But it doesn’t mean you need to surrender your youthful look and strength to the past…

The answer lies in the most abundant protein in your body: COLLAGEN!

And the best way to get collagen is by taking Collagen 1500!

Forget wrinkles and fine lines…

Get rid of sagging skin...

Stop your joints and bones from deteriorating…

And instead…

✔️  feel more confident about your looks even when you’re over 50…

✔️  conquer each day with healthy, strong joints and bones…

✔️  never suffer from bone problems caused by aging…

✔️  protect your heart from becoming weak and fragile over time

✔️  and live the best life that you could possibly live even after your golden years!

Listen to your body…

You know it needs collagen…

Order Collagen 1500 today!

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